For Setting A Solid Foundation

If you are just beginning your business, or, if you need inspiration to course-correct your vision, these books are excellent reads. Each one greatly impacted me and I am grateful for exposure to each during my early years in business. I still frequently reference content from each book and their guiding principles continue to influence me.

  1. Start with Why
  2. Essentialism
  3. The E-Myth

For Strategy

These two books, by the same author, are both excellent and entertaining reads. Read Profit First for a super-simple and super-savvy approach to business finances, ensuring you are building a profitable business (and are always prepared for tax liabilities). The Pumpkin Plan is an excellent book about finding a niche and building it into a mammoth – one of my favorite reads and who’s ideas I frequently implement as we grow Pursue Whole.

  1. Profit First
  2. The Pumpkin Plan

For Unique Marketing Ideas

These books are marketing specific, but their ideas are still wonderfully insightful for leaders to understand vision for authentically reaching customers in a new age. If you have a marketing team, give them these books to implement new strategies. Excellent reads and some of my favorites.

  1. Marketing Rebellion
  2. Talk Triggers

7 Business Books You Should Read


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