Many months ago I made my announcement that I was officially leaving the wedding industry. I announced that I’d be blogging and continuing content here on the blog sharing life and business tips (my absolute fave topic!), and I let you down. I haven’t blogged once, and my IG account has essentially been inactive. Turns out growing Baby #3 is a lot harder than Baby #1 or even #2, and I was truly just trying to survive life and get rest for the last 3 months.

But today, I’m showing up. I have a list a mile long of the things I want to cover as I transition into a new season of life (everything from what it’s really like to run a business as a mom, branding and marketing tips, and even the downright vulnerable stuff such as the lessons from my own mistakes I made in my wedding business). So if you’re reading this, I invite you back and hope this little space really becomes a valuable resource and perhaps a place of refreshment for you in the coming months. I can’t wait to share it with you.

First up, I want to share 5 incredible books I recommend every business owner should read! I love business books. They’ve provided me with tools, resources, and new ways of thinking that have been invaluable on my journey. Sadly, I don’t think many of us take the time to invest our time here (and listen, as a working mom raising little ones, trying to be a good wife, and still run a household, I absolutely get it!). It’s tough, but I encourage you to find the time this coming year–your business will thank you! I hope this list provides direction for your next read and inspires some good thoughts and growth in a specific area of your business you might need. Enjoy! xoxo


  1. Start with Why
  2. Marketing Rebellion
  3. Essentialism
  4. Storybrand
  5. Profit First

#1 Start With Why

I read this book in 2015 (?) and it rocked me in the best way possible. It gave me clarity around my purpose like I’d never had before. The premise of the book is that to accomplish any business or idea, you have to start with belief. If you can believe in something with such tremendous conviction, it will give you the power you need to propel it forward. Not only that, belief is contagious. If you believe it, you’ll attract and win supporters from those on the outside who believe it, too. Essentially, your customers are those who believe what you believe, so lead with your why and values and be bold to share your message. This book is great for inspiration and to ignite a greater purpose in your work and thinking.

#2 Marketing Rebellion

This was one of the books I read this year (2019) and it quickly became one of my favorite books of all time. The premise of this book is that there is a new wave in marketing that is taking the marketplace by storm and that the only way to win is to jump on board. But the best part? This new wave of thinking is actually all the GOOD stuff. The good stuff like real, raw human connection, leading with beliefs and convictions, creating a brand that connects with the individual on a personal level, etc, and doing away with all the stuff we hate: business that puts profits above people, cold calling and direct sales, and disconnected branding. One of the most interesting topics in this book was the place of technology in today’s world of marketing. Technology today is a necessity, but the book provides a beautiful guiding principle when it comes to its use. It claims that technology should only be utilized in a way that serves human needs, promotes connection, and does NOT annoy or create inconvenience. This book inspired so many ideas as I’ve been building Andy’s brand and I’m ready to pick it up again and get a refresher as I enter 2020. This book is excellent for understanding today’s climate of marketing and what you should be doing to connect your values with your consumers.

#3 Essentialism

Andy and I both read this book in 2018 and it has forever been a favorite. Essentialism is the book you need to direct focus for your life and business, reassess your priorities, and execute regular rhythms that will help you succeed at what’s actually important to you. The overall theme of this book is the pursuit of doing “less but better”, a timely message for today’s culture of regular overwhelm. Writing this summary is convicting me all over again, and I should pick it up for a refresh!. This book will challenge you to live a more focused life and provide you with strategies to do so.

# 4 Storybrand

Chances are, if you haven’t read this one yet, you’ve definitely heard of it. The reality is that Donald Miller’s marketing framework isn’t new, but the way he’s pieced it together and provided such a clear, simple strategy for creating a brand script and knowing how to communicate your message to your client is what’s so profound. This book provided a path for my entire website design in 2018, and I just used it again to craft Andy’s homepage by following the script from start to finish. You may have read this book, but here’s my challenge to you: FILL OUT YOUR BRAND SCRIPT after doing so. The information is great, but it’s implementing the strategy that’s really going to revolutionize the way you communicate about your business. This book is excellent if you need help knowing what to say to market your business.

#5 Profit First

I’ve read the well-loved Dave Ramsey, but friends, here’s a book that’s actually going to provide clarity and a system for how to track and manage your numbers as a business owner that is dealing with varying month-to-month income. After reading this book, I was able to develop a system that allowed me to pay myself a salary, save for taxes throughout the year, and provide a budget for costs. My only regret is that I wish I would have followed it even more strictly than I did! The best part is that it really is SO simple. You don’t need to be a finance guru to implement his structure and the hardest part is probably finding a bank that will allow you to have multiple free business accounts. This book is amazing for any business wanting to implement a simple yet effective finance strategy that will work with varying month-to-month income.

P.S. There’s a giveaway happening over on Instagram! Find out how you can win one of these books at this post.

5 Business Books To Read in 2020


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