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A pretty view from last month’s trip to SF for Kristen and Jared’s engagement. Such a special time with April exploring a new city!

A few happenings as of late:

+First, this is late. One week of September is already gone! I recognize this, but I needed it, friends. I’ll explain more later.

+My love, Andy, and I had the honor of modeling in a fun editorial shoot for my talented friends Daniel Kim and Jami of Posies Floral. It’s always so much fun to be on the flip side of the camera for a change, and I have always loved Daniel’s work so that was a special treat. I may even print some and refresh our frames. We’re calling them our 5 year anniversary photos even though we are dressed as b&g again ;). Sneak peek below. Can’t wait to see them all!

+This month marks the last before my wedding season starts. I’m so excited for this fall’s weddings, but also trying to cherish every day with my boys. Achilles has been such a blast lately with his newfound vocabulary and active little spirit. He keeps mama busy (and running around!).

+I shot a really, really special project for myself last month. I’m bursting at the seams to share it. It will come forth in its time. Sadly it did not get placed exactly where I wanted it, but that’s ok (after a few tears. Just keeping it real). I’m learning to surrender my desires to a bigger picture and plan. The one of my Father God.

+Taking a step back. Resting. You’ll see this reflected in my goals for September. Honestly, this doesn’t make any sense for my excellence-pursueing, goal-setting self, but it’s needed. God has had my heart on a journey of humbling as of late, and I’ve needed the extra space from my art lately, friends. This is also why I allowed myself the extra time to get to this post (as mentioned above). And truly, the rest–the pulling back–always makes me a better artist in the end.


My love & me. Almost 5 and a half years strong. 1 baby later. I love having pictures of us in every season.

August Goals Progress

+Update workflow for efficiency and be intentional working with April on creating great teamwork! Yes! We successfully updated our workflow and got ourselves organized and ready to tackle the fall season! I’m so grateful for April.

+Invest myself fully in ALL my shoots and upcoming projects. Wholeheartedly, I did. Yes. It took vulnerability, which is scary, but I’m so excited to see what kind of fruit they produce.

+Be faithful in new blog plan/commitments. Yes! Minus writing this post one week too late. But I already explained why.

+Be faithful/invested in creating a meaningful experience/service for current clients. Yes! Love my clients and so honored I get to serve them.

+Soak up travel time in SF, invest in K+J and time with April! Check.

+Invest fully in magazine editorial shoot and push myself for innovation and excellence. Yes. I felt, in the end, I could have pushed myself out of my box more so with posing, but that’s okay. I invested my heart, absolutely.

+Submit all new shoots for publication (July+August). Yes.

+Make 1 monetary investment (big or small) for business. Yes! I got to be a part of the Wedding Symposium and it was a fun day catching up with some of my favorite faces in the industry and learning from others in the field!

+Read 142 pages of How to Win Friends and Influence PeopleYes! Barely. I stayed up late on the 31st, making sure I could cross this one off. I feel like this book is teaching me how to love others more/better. I love that.

+Experiment with putting together a newsletter for August. I did not! This is still something I want to get to eventually, but truly I feel like the priority for it has shifted. So, I’m putting it off indefinitely.

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Gorgeous waves crashing on the shore of Baker Beach, SF.

September Goals

Seriously, friends, this is so outside my comfort zone. I wrote these down and cringed all at the same time. Most are not even measurable. But truly, they’re what I felt the Lord leading my heart to do this month. I need rest and I need Him. This verse came up for me so much this week and went into my goal planning: “But first be concerned about God’s kingdom and his righteousness, and all of these things will be provided for you as well. ” Matthew 6:33 (ISV).

+Finish How to Win Friends.

+Serve my clients wholeheartedly.

+Pour my heart into what I do for GOOD.

+Create Art.


+Blog my heart. Be generous in the giving of it.

+Stay up-to-date on workflow.

+Love people.

Also on my weekly tending list (not shared) is to pray for the Syrian refugees. I don’t follow the news much, but I know enough to see the suffering. Turning my heart and focus away from myself and more towards the bigger picture this month because it’s good for me. Needed.

With love,


CMP Monthly Update+September Goals


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