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A few sweet snapshots from our time away in California last month for sweet Gabi and Jeff’s engagement. I can hardly believe it’s been almost 3 months since the launch of the new look and 2 since sitting down and sharing my thoughts on the new year and refreshed vision. I thought I’d ‘pop’ in for a little update and a few precious photos of my little family during this much beloved month of March (it has always been my favorite, and not just because it includes my birthday! :)).

The past weeks have been full. Some of changing diapers, dancing to yet another groovy tune blaring from a happy toy that brings laughs and cheers, and goodnight kisses and snuggles from our favorite little person just before bedtime. Others of managing schedules, breaking down goals into minute steps with intentionality, and shooting the love of more of my favorite couples. Life is very full in so many ways!

That photo up there of the three of us–it is so precious to me. We handed the film camera (because the times I’ve been picking up the digital camera for personal work anymore is rare) to a stranger who graciously offered to take one of us three, and, you know…you never know what you’ll end up with :). I love the imperfection of the moment so much. It’s symbolic to me right now, learning so much about living a purposeful life rather than a perfect one (a gripping message that has stayed with me from my reading of Make it Happen that I touched on in my new year post). I’ve been contemplating taking some large leaps in the last few weeks, and friends, it is scary! I’m so thankful for the sweet friendships and a safe place in my marriage with Andy to get to hash out all the excitement, risks, and fear that come along with it. When I found this beautiful print made my a creative friend, I had to buy it and pin it to my bulletin board above my desk. This idea of perfect love casting out fear could be my slogan in life right now. Taking risks is so scary, but knowing that God’s love (and apparently the love of so many wonderful people around me that I’ve felt lately!) is so much greater helps me find my unshakeable ground. Practicing purpose over perfection by sharing my struggle with you today, and perhaps, for someone, it is just the message you need to hear as well! His love covers us if we let Him.

With love,



If you haven’t heard, there’s a little giveaway happening on Instagram for the next few hours! Go have a look and enter for your chance to win $250!!

Personal: March Reflections


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