Jordan_Ali Film (8 of 22)Jordan_Ali Film (6 of 22)Jordan_Ali Film1 (1 of 1)Untitled 6Jordan_Ali Film2 (2 of 3)untitled 8-1Jordan_Ali Film2 (3 of 3)Jordan_Ali Film (9 of 22)
Ali and Jordan were married on a warm winter’s day (only something possible to say in Arizona :)). Their day was filled to the brim with joy! Merry friends, heartfelt hymns, and the perfect mixture of laughter and tears made my observer’s heart burst at the seems as I watched each moment unfold. This job is a true privilege, friends: seeing the moment the bridal party lays hands on and prays for their dear friend, documenting as the bride sees herself for the first time after putting on her dress, and observing the tears of a father as he gives away his daughter for the last time. What a gift to be allowed so close to so many priceless moments! Congrats Ali and Jordan, and thanks for giving me get a peek into your special day, and for sharing your JOY with me.

With love,


Hair Artist: Harley Ann Chapman | DJ: Felixico

Just Married: Jordan and Ali | Tempe Wedding


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