As promised, I’m ready to share a piece of the story that went into my new brand for 2015. I’m hoping to do a slight recap of 2014 in the process, so know all that you’re signing up for. Now that Achilles is here, I’m ALL about consolidating :).charitymaurerphotography (4 of 21)

2014 was a truly special year: my business grew substantially and I became a mom (how do those things even come together? Truly a lot of God’s grace and external support. I feel very much indebted  to my second shooters of 2014 who followed me around and helped carry the weight-no pun intended-when I was toting a serious baby bump all spring and operating on minimal sleep during the fall). I loved where my business was at closing 2013, but I also knew change was brewing in my heart. I started researching designers in hopes of finding someone who could help me express myself through my business in an even stronger way. You see, a brand isn’t just about looking pretty–it’s about communicating a message. My message when I first started this journey was from a young and as-fresh-as-you-can-get 20-year-old. I was starting to grow up, and I knew my business was too.

I got in touch with award-winning designer Renee of Ribbons of Red. I was SO nervous about this investment you guys, but on the flip side, it was worth every.single.penny. She had me create a thoughtful and intentional Pinterest board filled with things and design work that whole-heartedly said “me”. It was a perfect project to fill my early-mom days with (side-note, Renee was also on maternity-leave basically the same time I was which was super fun to relate on).

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You wouldn’t believe the amount of thought that goes into a logo. I knew I wanted a hand-scripted watercolor signature of my name in blue. The part Renee helped me determine was what I wanted that little blue script to communicate. After analyzing the inspiration-board, I knew what I wanted: artistry, elegance, and excellence. We left off “photography” with the desire to really envelop the “artist” component. “I may not always be a photographer, but I know I will always be an artist” were my exact words to Renee.


Want to know a huge place of where this decided message came from? Looking at a ballerina. I was a dancer for a decade (my first artistic love before photography), but ironically, it wasn’t ballet at all. But I had always admired the ballerina and it wasn’t until this assignment that I fully understood why. To me, she was the sum of all of these words.

It’s a really incredible place you’ve arrived when you feel you can say with confidence “this is me” and “this is not”. For that process, I’m incredibly indebted, without a doubt, to my sweet husband who’s been growing up alongside me the last 5 years and has given me a sacred and safe place to learn my heart. I love him so very much.

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I can hardly believe I’m already on this side of the project and well into motherhood. I remember writing in my journal at the start of the year, “2014 was the fastest paced year of my life”. It was a beautiful, challenging, and completely sleep-deprived 🙂 year.

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A couple of weeks ago I bought the cutest red J. Crew shorts and some serious bling Kate Spade earrings with gifted Christmas money gearing up for the new season. I loved those pieces you guys. But you know what? I took them back and invested in things for my heart. Motherhood seemingly brings to mind the more important things in life, and I’m thankful for all the refining my heart is going through in light of it.

With love,



In case you want to know the two pieces I bought in exchange for my brand-name outfit pieces as an encouragement for your year too, they were the  “Make it Happen” book by my new favorite, Lara Casey (editor of Southern Weddings) to help me prioritize the things that matter (both professionally and personally) and the Give Me Jesus journal by Gretchen of Life Lived Beautifully. 


Beautiful greenery florals provided by The Flori.Culture

The New Look and 2014 Recap


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