
Remember 2 months ago when I wrote that blog post on taking risks? Well, I’m beyond excited to share a little project with you that was a piece behind that post.

I was extremely honored to be requested to create a shoot centered around the cross for the anniversary issue of Angelic Mag. Angelic is a magazine located in San Diego, Phoenix, Los Vegas, and now – at it’s one year anniversary mark – has spread to Los Angeles. So, so cool. They are all about sharing inspiration on music and fashion and fill their pages with beautiful art and stories created by artists in these 4 parts of the U.S. Their bigger vision is spreading the light of Jesus to these industries, but even if you can’t relate on that part, perhaps you’ll at least find yourself drawn to the beauty in it’s pages and the authenticity of peoples’ stories.

This project was especially significant to me as I pondered my personal faith and what I’d want to share about the significance and relevance of the cross to my life. I understand the image of the cross probably stirs up a lot of different things in each of us, but if you care to hear a piece of my heart (which is always what taking the time to create and write have been about for me), I invite you to open the pages of the online mag and find my writeup on page 35.

I hope the darkness of this shoot strikes you. I think most people know me for my white dresses and soft and light work, but when it came to communicating something that I thought was significant through this shoot (again, you’ll have to read page 35 :)) I knew I was going to have to break out of that. That was definitely risk #1! The second came when I couldn’t find the right gown. So, what does a true artist do when they simply can find what they want? They get busy and make it happen, which is what this Instagram was all about. 🙂  I’m still shocked I was this brave, and am so thankful for the people online and around me who gave me the encouragement I needed. I could not be happier with how the overall vision came together, and I have to credit these other incredible creatives who came together to bring it to life: Carte Blanche Design, Mariana Marie Makeup and Hair, and Tara Shearer (oh yes, and you can even read a few words by each of them and their art in the mag as well!).

Now, without further ado, a few favorites (some featured in the mag, some not) from the whole series. Enjoy!

Charity Maurer_September Angelic (31 of 186)Untitled-1Charity Maurer_September Angelic (74 of 186)Untitled-2Charity Maurer_September Angelic (163 of 186)Charity Maurer_September Angelic (162 of 186)Untitled-3Charity Maurer_September Angelic (134 of 186)

Published: Angelic Magazine


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