Film Test (4 of 25)I shot this image 10 days ago on film while visiting one of my favorite local spots: Tempe Town Lake. It’s the place Andy and I first took the leap to call our relationship “official”. 10 months later, it’s where he got down on one knee in the midst of a trail of roses and candles and asked if I would be his wife. We didn’t have this gorgeous view then because it was late at night (so late that I almost canceled on coming over to hang out that evening…I’m so glad I didn’t :)), but it’s the spot none-the-less.

As I look upon this photo, however, the meaning and feelings it stirs are about so much more than that. When Andy and I chose to marry, we started searching for the place we would make our very first home (it was important to us that we waited until marriage to live together). As I grew up in north Phoenix, I was drawn to stay close to my family. Andy, however, grew up in Tempe, and as he was still finishing up his degree at ASU and we were going to juggle life with one car, I had to budge.

THIS is the reason I love this photo so much. The fact that this exact spot was where Andy asked for my hand was actually a sweet afterthought. This is the place, however hesitant at first, that I’ve learned to embrace as my sweet, wonderful HOME. It’s a place I belong.  We’ve built our life here, welcomed our first child into the world, and it’s where I sat in the corner of our one-bedroom apartment building my business and pursuing a dream.  No matter how many exhilarating adventures we embark on, or to wherever God calls us next, I will always treasure this place as my family’s first real home. And it’s been a good one.



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