Angelic (7 of 1)

Sometimes you have to *completely* take a chance.

This summer has been all about taking risks. It has been totally thrilling and terrifying. The weeks have been filled with incredible highs and truly humbling lows; I suppose this is completely the reality when chasing after dreams, isn’t it? I’m finding myself continually remembering a little insert from a book,  Luminous Portrait, in which there’s talk of defining success for yourself. In life, it takes incredible strength to not compare with others (am I right?!), but I love how Elizabeth shares about success being defined only by you. What is it that you need to be accomplishing to know, for you, that you’re successful? This has been the best question to ask myself, and it is humbling and freeing  to see the answer. It’s made me see that success for me looks a lot simpler than what I imagine it looks like to be successful to others: it means being a lot less about numbers and a whole lot more about heart. It means letting an exciting out-of-state job go in order to better serve my family. It means investing my heart more vulnerably into my art and sharing more of myself than is easy, because creating true art that is life-giving and stretching is success for me. So, as I reflect on a little dose of much-needed truth, I hope you’re reminded of the same. Time is short; determine for yourself what’s important, and don’t negotiate those standards.

Sneak peek look at an editorial assignment for Angelic Magazine / September Edition.  All that BLACK coming from me surprise you? It does me too! But sometimes you just have to take a step out of the norm to accomplish something a whole lot more authentic and to better convey the message you wish to share. 

Hair & Makeup: Mariana Marie. Makeup. Hair. Style. / Florals: Carte Blanche Design / Model: Tara Shearer, Ford Agency AZ

Taking Risks & Redefining Success


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