I sure hope the internet world hasn’t gotten sick of seeing this cute little baby face already. I have truly become one of “those moms” who takes and posts too many photos of their little (and even low quality iPhone photos too–funny how that doesn’t seem to matter to a professional photographer anymore when its YOUR little one making the cute face :)).

But really, if those pixelated iPhone photos can fill my heart with so much overwhelming love and joy, you can only imagine what these photos of our 10-day old family taken by Rennai of Ten22 Studio did to me: they left me totally and completely in awe of this beauty of motherhood. Seeing myself as a mom is still whole-heartedly unreal–it’s completely fascinating and wonderfully humbling. God has given me such a *precious* gift.


Rennai kindly asked if we had a verse for little Achilles. I instantly thought of 1 John 2:14b (pictured above), one that I had picked out at 39 weeks, journaling and dreaming about this his arrival and the truth I would love to impart to this little one entering a broken, and sometimes overwhelming, world: “I write to you, young men, because you are strong, and the word of God abides in you, and you have overcome the evil one”.



Days after the birth of Achilles, Andy and I each took the time to journal about and share with each other our perspectives on the birthing experience (it was truly one of the most amazing moments we’ve ever shared.). I closed my entry with these words, that summarize this experience of becoming a mother for me all too well:

“…My body was depleted, but even with all the discomfort and pain, my heart was so content, so happy, and so thankful. Thank-you Jesus for your most precious gift to me yet–new life. Just as I sacrificed my body for this new life to enter the world, Christ has given up His for my sake. I understand that in a whole new way now. Thank-you. Thank-you, Jesus!”

See the rest of the images blogged on Rennai’s site (this lady is seriously so talented! As I don’t shoot newborns anymore, so I’m truly happy to point you in her direction :)). Also, if you haven’t read the entry on how we picked his unique name, you can read that here.


Our Baby Achilles


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