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This past Sunday we celebrated my dear friend, Millie’s, bridal shower. Everything was beautifully simplistic, white on white with spring and floral hints filling our warm January day’s atmosphere,  just like our special lady loves.  

Small things bringing me joy this week:

  • Sitting in bed at night next to Andy watching and feeling for movements in my tummy. 
  • Downton Abby. This is really making it on here?? Yes. 🙂 I do love the show, but even more so it’s for the time I get to spend snuggled up next to Andy crowded around his laptop enjoying time together.
  • A Friday night spent with friend Anna Christy (you recognize her name because, yes, she’s a photographer too, and she’s appeared in name and picture on this blog before), eating candy, and watching Braveheart (mostly for the romance). When you have to frequently pause the movie to fully engage in your ongoing conversation 5 times over, you know you’ve found a good friend :).

This Sunday, ladies in dresses sat down at a single large table to eat and dine and celebrate–our dear Millie is getting married. Millie has that kind of feminine beauty that is adorned by a gentle and sweet spirit, and everything about her shower emulated that. Ladies took turns sharing their encouragement and insight into marriage, and I felt my soul enriched. Hearing pieces of other’s stories, wisdom from those much older and more experienced than me, and new perspectives brought me the rich appreciation for this covenant of marriage. We laughed at the advice, “wake up before him and comb your hair every day”–especially me, seeing as I haven’t combed my hair in years–and affirmed the words of the importance of being the voice of encouragement and building up for our men. Friends, my life is rich. This little party wasn’t even for me–no, I did, in fact, spend some hours stressing with all the prep as my maid of honor responsibilities came upon me, but hearing the words of truth shared in a context of community, my heart became very full. The fact that I’m blessed with a community to have to support, lead, and encourage me is a profound gift that I’m graced with. I was reminded: God never leaves us to walk paths alone. If that’s your experience, reach out. There is often a hand ready to lift you up and walk beside you if you only take the time to stretch out and look for it.

Simple Things, Vol. XV


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