October_Emma (13 of 108)

Food picture this week, in honor of all my new cravings and a slight obsession with specific foods as of late :). 

Small things bringing me joy this week:

  • Playing boggle around the dinner table  on a free night with hubby and my mother-in-law. 
  • Being in the desert for another sunset this weekend. Truly, photography has taught me to appreciate the unique beauty of the desert. So in love.
  • Drinking iced coffee out of a mason jar. I like to think having a cute cup and straw makes it taste even better. 🙂

With just one wedding left to shoot this year, it’s been a nice week of finishing up some busy editing and taking a little more time to *just breathe*. It’s crazy to realize I’m already 4 months along in my pregnancy–where is the time going??! It is still so surreal sometimes. This month, a tiny little bump is emerging from my abdomen, sometimes making the experience feel more real, other times just making me suspicious that all the kale I’ve been eating lately is catching up to me (yes, KALE is my current fascination and craving–so glad about the two whole stalks I know are sitting in my fridge right at this moment). One thing this month is the growing excitement of realizing that, one day, this little miracle going on inside is going to make it’s way out. Honestly, I just can’t wait to see Andy be a daddy. So nervous about all the ways this little guy (or girl–we still are waiting to find out!! :)) will change our lives. We joke that we hope our baby’s cute, but I know whole-heartedly I couldn’t ever be disappointed with the little body that will one day make it’s appearance. This season, I’m just feeling incredibly honored and blessed to get to have and be apart of this precious gift.

Now, about that kale…

Simple Things Vol. XII


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