How do I even start this?! The best I can think is by praising John for his intentionality to bring such an event into action. It was John and Katelyn’s anniversary, October 14th, when he collected both families and myself to a field in San Tan Valley to ask his most intimate question to a most precious girl. After having her mom pick her up from work and drive her around to have hair, makeup, and nails done, she arrived at her last stop: our secluded field. Greeted by siblings and parents, they walked her one by one, sharing with her words of love and care, until she reached her final destination: John, complete with ring in hand. I had never met Katelyn until this moment, and she pretty much made me feel like a superstar when she yelled out, “That’s Charity Maurer!!” Talk about a confidence booster! 🙂 John got down on one knee, and in the matter of an instant, Katelyn became his fiance. John, it is so evident that you have found a treasure, and even more notable that you are treating her like one. So, so happy for you guys, and so, so excited to get to be apart of your wedding during one of my very favorite times of year!

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A Surprise Proposal: John and Katelyn are Engaged!


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