Now this was a highlight of my year. I was home from summer vacation for a just a few short days when I got that kind of e-mail that just makes you so proud to do what you do, and pretty amazed that you get to do it. These two were planning for their wedding just 2 months away and I was Kelly’s dream photographer. A little while later and I had booked my ticket, ready to fly all the way back to the top of our country to see my sister again and take part in this beautiful celebration. I hadn’t actually known Kelly, so I was so relieved to find she’s pretty much an angel in human form–both in the elegance with which she composes herself and the gentleness of her spirit. How in the world did I get so lucky to pick up such a devoted follower the last few years I’ve been blogging?!

This wedding is extra special to my heart as the Mennonite faith is where I first came to know a love for Christ and his redemption for my life. It was later in life, after meeting my husband Andy that I settled into the non-demoninational church. Getting to be apart of this wedding helped me see how much the faith has shaped me: I think it’s this part of my journey that’s given me that deep appreciation for cherishing the simple and a way to see hidden beauty. Enjoy this sweet, sweet wedding in which you can literally feel the love just looking at the images. So many thanks to my sweet sister, Faith, for driving me around her hometown to scout locations (I never would have found the old barn without her help) and arrange details as Andy had to sit this one out back at home.

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Just Married: Sean & Kelly, A Mennonite Wedding in Northern Idaho


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