Simple Things (7 of 1) copy

Captured this image  last week as I was admiring the gentle light reflecting from the water. Knowledge and use of light is so crucial to my job as an artist. I love light, and I always find this verse intriguing me as I think on these things: “…God is light, and in Him is no darkness at all”.-1 John 1:5

Small Things bringing me joy this week:

  • Intentional conversations with friends who let you say the hard things.
  • Lipton Extra Noodle soup. Upset stomach today combined with all the recent rain in the valley, this nostalgic little meal hit the spot :).
  • A weekend away with an industry friend working on a wedding at a beautiful AZ vineyard.

I left hubby alone this weekend. You’d think this wouldn’t be significant, but the fact that I can probably count on one hand the times we’ve been apart in the 3 years we’ve been married tells you it’s uncommon. It was funny this time: I knew a few more things to prepare for. For one, make sure to leave hubs lots of easy-eat foods while I’m gone (my job is supplying groceries and meals for our home). There was a time when I went away and wrongfully left him ingredients and a recipe. Lots of food ended up on the floor, and what did make in his mouth he didn’t much enjoy. Ha. Talk about a wife fail! I always miss hubs so much, but there’s something so sweet about being away from the norm and having to operate as an individual again. And girl time? I’ll take me some girl time. Something about being away stretches and grows you, and can make home seem that much sweeter upon returning. Goodness, you’d think I was gone for more than a weekend…ha. But I savored the time, I really did. And now, I’m so glad to be home.

Simple Things, Vol. IX


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