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Beautiful floral piece from the talented Sarah of Sarah’s Wedding Garden. Always love hanging out with the fab vendors of the Windmill Winery at their monthly open houses. Sarah was so sweet to send some of us home with a few of her samples. This photo provided by hubs.

Small Things bringing me joy this week:

  • Hand-written notes and cards. I keep just about all of them, whether they get pinned to my bulletin board, fridge, or are stowed away safely in a book I frequently read. Andy and I were studying a book together and we laughed out loud when I went to grab my copy and old cards and scraps of paper fell all over the place. He encouraged me to get rid of some, but how can I? They refresh my spirit whenever I get a peek at them.
  • Receiving this adorable camera cake  from a very sweet and talented friend! So darn cute. Made my night.
  • Finally getting the time to finish some photos from our travels last month (too many other things to edit first!). Got to share a few yesterday.

Sometimes being an artist is tough. There are always times of dealing with self-doubt, wondering if your work is as good or better than someone else’s, or if anyone really cares very much at all about what you create. There’s the unfortunate event when someone outrightly rejects the value in what you do and can’t see the beauty in it. That sucks. Being an artist requires you to wear your heart on your sleeve, and that requires a measure of courage. As I sat down, chatted, and caught up with a variety of artists this week, I was deeply inspired by them. They’re people with dreams and working their best to provide this world with a little more beauty. Everyone has something of value to offer, and though we might not always understand the vision, I think there’s still a way to appreciate that. I’m challenged this week: invest in other’s art. Remember that what they do requires vulnerability, so be careful to asses it. I’m reminded that building up will bring more joy and contentment than tearing down will ever make you feel big. I’m so, so blessed, even in the hardships, to get to count my art as a full time job, but even if you don’t, we’re all creatives in our own way–that’s the way the Father made us. You’re a treasure for what you offer this world.

No Simple Things next week as we are officially in the Grand Canyon Saturday-Wednesday. Yeah!! 😉


Simple Things, Vol. VII


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