This is the start of a brand new series: The Simple Things. I loveeeee to write. Always have–whether it’s been school papers or personal journaling, God’s given me a love for expression through written word. Maybe because I’m shy and can articulate so much better this way? I don’t know, but my passion is directing the way. I’m not sure if it’s inspired by a Bible study I did earlier this year, or just purely spurned from my personality (probably both), but every week you can join me as I take the discipline to reflect on the simple things that bring joy to every day life in the midst of an overloaded world.

french macaroons (2 of 1)writing

Small things bringing me joy this week:

-This movie: Mao’s Last Dancer. POWERFUL! You don’t have to love dance to thoroughly enjoy and be moved by it (Andy loved it!). BUT, as far as dancing goes–amazingly beautiful.

-Trader Joe’s frozen macaroons (above). Funny story: I bought these for a girl’s sleep over with a bestie, but the day of I had to text her and apologize that I wouldn’t be bringing them anymore. Why? I ate them.

Lola’s delectable hot latte with melt-in-your-mouth shortbread cookies shared with a friend.

It was a Wednesday morning when I planned a coffee date with a friend “just because”. I put on a little extra makeup, did my hair, and slipped my feet into a favorite pair of heels. I was headed to one of my favorite downtown spots: Lola Coffeebar. I saw Millie’s sweet smiling face as I rounded the corner and found her waiting at a quaint table complete with umbrella. We embraced and complimented each other on the outfits. There’s something about being  a 20-something that gives a real sense that we’ve arrived at a fascinating new stage of life; a sense that we’re real grown-ups. A hip downtown coffee shop? Lipstick? Careers? How did we get here? It seems not long ago that I was that 16-year-old girl having sleep overs (hey wait–I’m still doing that!) and dreaming about who my first boyfriend would be. Now, I’m balancing a career and living a dream, I’m maintaining a home and enjoying each day as a wifey to a real quality man. A REAL MAN. Not just a celebrity crush we used to print pictures of and cover our walls and binders with. Life is moving fast! Today, I’m enjoying the moment–complete with lipstick, heels, and my real-life crush: hubby.

Follow along on instagram and see more from every day life!

The Simple Things, Vol. I


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