
I was on facebook and this headline kept showing up in my newsfeed: EMMA Magazine. Curious, I clicked on it. What I found was the cutest, local magazine full of fun tutorials from hair to crafts and beautiful photographs. I kept watch of this little publication for awhile, and soon enough I knew I had to be a part of it. I was stoked when editor, Sarah Hubbell contacted me to shoot this adorable backyard BBQ for their May issue. This day couldn’t come soon enough. I had already known about the upcoming Neiman Marcus publication that allowed me to cross off my print publication goal for 2013, but I felt like this really made that goal a reality. Order your own copy of Emma Mag, support local artists and entrepreneurs, and…check out my work! 🙂 So thrilled about this and just can’t wait to physically hold my own photographs via this publication. Follow them on facebook to keep track of this perfect magazine for us 20-somethings!

Click here to read the issue and see me on pages 15-19, and 71 (a behind the scenes shot of our little crew after all our hard work–it was a HOT spring day but we made it through!).

And, just a few images from the backyard BBQ, shot at ASU’s Secret Garden and styled by Life Design Event Planning because it was all just so darn cute (and, who doesn’t love detail shots??!):

Secret Garden ASU (3 of 24)Untitled-2Secret Garden ASU (4 of 24)Secret Garden ASU (5 of 24)Untitled-1Secret Garden ASU (9 of 24)Secret Garden ASU (13 of 24)Untitled-4Secret Garden ASU (20 of 24)Secret Garden ASU (15 of 24) Secret Garden ASU (22 of 24) Secret Garden ASU (24 of 24)

Published: EMMA Magazine


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