I’m typing this as I sit in a local Starbucks bumming off their internet because mine stopped working at home, while drinking a kale smoothie from the Whole Foods next door. Never thought I’d say this, but totally being one of those customers right now, ha!


You know you’ve reached total nerd status when you say no to plans in order to make sure you’re home all day when UPS tracking says your package is coming in. I was asleep on the couch in the living room with the curtain open and my head in the direction of the window to have total view the man in the brown as soon as he arrived. It happened when I was in-between sleep (clearly I must have had one eye open). UP I went and opened the door faster than I could say my own name. It was when he handed me the device for my signature and my head was so foggy that I realized how fast I had gone from sleep to this present moment. I got the box in the door, set it down, and…just stared.

I dreamed about this box arriving for days (10, to be exact). When it was here, I didn’t even know what to do. So, I called Andy. I told him that the box had arrived through subtle screams of glee (I can’t really explain a “subtle scream”, but I’m an introvert, and we can do these sort of things). He said, “Well, did you open it?”. “Umm. No. Just staring at it.” He congratulated me, we hung up, and I got to business. Before I had even began cutting into the box with my knife, I was interrupted by my cell phone. Facetime call from Andy–of course. His favorite.

Slowly I peeled away the tape and carefully put each piece on display for Andy. We oohed and awed and enjoyed the pretty pieces of equipment in front of us. Ha, we were so excited…and I love that I say we, because hubby totally entered into geek-status with me.

This lovely piece of magic is my new accessory. Can you see me? I know it’s difficult behind that big black square.

Jasmine (5 of 1)We’re ready to do lots of beautiful things together. I’m already busy putting him to use, while he’s been busy working on my bicep.

A word my conscience can’t do without saying: I was beyond ecstatic when Andy and I made the decision to allow my business to invest in new equipment. I feel incredibly blessed and gifted by the Lord with the new resource, but my heart is heavy knowing there are so many out there with big dreams and not enough wallet. I totally know that heartbreak and all the feelings that come with it. My hope is not to flaunt what the Lord has graciously given me, but to praise Him for it and encourage all of us with dreams to keep waiting, saving, and hoping. Passion is always worth far more than the tools you use, and your time will surely come, too. 

A Very Special Package


  1. You are a beautiful person inside and out Charity! Love you girl!!!

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