I need to first preface this post by stating a large apology for all my mis-spellings and mishaps on my blog here. I horribly misspelled by beautiful friend Paige’s last name on a recent post, and then stated that “I am, without a doubt, MOST grateful for [my hubby’s] ever-ending daily commitment to follow Jesus.” I am, in fact, MOST grateful for my hubby’s ‘never-ending’ daily commitment to Jesus. Goodness. I need to slowwwww. it. down.  😉


So on facebook last Saturday I mentioned something about taking a trip to SAS fabrics with a lot of creative expectation.

If you live in AZ and are a diy kind of person like me, you must check it out. I will warn you–it is a terrible mess and requires lots of browsing and digging, but if that doesn’t scare you, get there!! Especially brides-to-be–they have materials with SO much potential!

Anyway…back to my Saturday :). It all started when I was eyeing my coffeetable for the nth-time and realized how much I REALLY wanted a new one, but just know it’s not a priority in our budget right now. So, I started browsing pinterest for some ideas, and felt so inspired that I decided to take a slightly impulsive trip to SAS without much of a plan but hoping something would come to be. An hour later I returned home with lovely fabrics and ribbons, and what started as coffeetable envy was about to end in a mini-house makeover. hehe.

Check out what I made. And the best part? I spent 13 bucks!

I started with a base fabric representing that earthy/rustic feel I really love.

craft (2 of 76)I LOVED the ribbon I found at SAS. Honestly, I probably picked up 6 different kinds before I finally decided on these two. I love this delicate lace with simple hearts, and of course I love anything in this blue hue (not to mention it matches my already loved blue curtains I splurged on a couple months ago). craft (6 of 76) craft (9 of 76) craft (11 of 76)Untitled-1 craft (17 of 76)So I promise I evened out all the edges and made it look really sharp–I just totally forgot to photograph it 😉Untitled-2I finished it with one of my newest home additions: a real branch from a tree in Oak Creek Canyon, AZ that I brought home from our last trip with friends. I knew it would dry up perfectly because I’d seen a friend do the same thing. Nothing like having  real plants in your house as decor, I think.craft (29 of 76) Then, while I was in creative spirit, I had Andy help me make this precious little banner that fits right in with my red kitchen+the Christmas season. 😉 craft (52 of 76)craft (44 of 76)Untitled-3I love rough edges, so Andy kindly tore these patches from the fabric for me instead of cutting them.craft (45 of 76) craft (59 of 76) craft (70 of 76)Untitled-5Notice my downsizing on fruit in the right photo? 🙂 I took that one after we got our Christmas tree and I was able to add some needles ;).

My one regret: I thought I would add this, maybe as more of a reminder for myself than anything, but I spent so much of my Saturday wrapped in this super fun project that I totally neglected grocery shopping. Poor Andy was scrounging for food the next couple days before I had the chance to get out and shop again. Next time I’m making sure higher priorities are accounted for before I set myself up for a whole day of creative projects.

It’s starting to look a lot like Christmas over here. Just bought Andy his first present today, too. Always fun! 🙂


Like this post?? I had so much fun capturing it that I’m totally creating a new series of blogging for running a home with everything from meal inspiration to cost-effective diy projects. You’ll be able to find these under the new category “Making a Home”. SO fun! 😉

Making a Home: Some DIY inspiration


  1. Lisa Baumann says:

    Definitely need your creativity when we finally get a house to decorate…. 🙂 Way cute stuff, Charity!

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