I have a collage that hangs above my desk, made by using scraps from magazines to carefully articulate who I am as a person. I made it at TRAC camp where I served this summer (A-mazing experience!!).  I sat around the table with several other girls (all a part of the foster care system) as we carefully selected images to showcase a piece of who we are. I loved hearing from all those young ladies about their passions, dreams, and gifts. We are such a colorful bunch, aren’t we?? Can you believe that each one of us is so carefully and distinctly designed, that, out all the people who’ve ever lived, there’s never been another you?

I’ve been doing a lot of thinking in this realm lately. I was recently talking to a close friend who shared with me about a long time dream to dive into nursing, but always being held back by a very real message that she didn’t have the personality for it. I’m so proud of her, because after all this time of doubt, she is really stepping above that lie and giving herself to this new calling from God. I found myself totally being able to relate to her, having always been prone to doubt my shy personality in this photography industry. But what I’ve been learning lately is that there’s always room for a new approach/personality in any certain field, and that God has determined to use all people for His great purposes. I might not be the photographer who will get you laughing until you hurt, but I will be the photographer who can offer a great listening ear and who will mail you a hand-written note that tells you the significance I see in you–and I’m figuring out that’s just as important.

I’m slowly learning, and so hoping to also be instilling in others, that the only person for me to really be is me, and that’s there’s a really great place in this world that only Charity and _____ (insert your name here) can fill. And to add to that, I just can’t get enough of God’s truth in 2 Corinthians 12:9: “…my power is made perfect in weakness”.


And, lastly, because I know every post needs an image:I got to help my good friend Anna with a wedding on Saturday night, and when it came  to shooting the rings, I knew I had to use the sparkle tabletop in the Distro restaurant at the Saguaro Hotel, creating what I consider my most epic ring shot to date. Oh yes….I’m in love!


Brave to Be You


  1. Cara says:

    I love your honesty and your beautiful heart! Thank you for sharing such an important message about individuality and the importance of being YOU! <3

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