Marriage is the best thing that ever happened to me. And I don’t mean that in a cheesy way…I mean that in a very appreciative, very reflective tone.

I was afraid to get married. I thought, I’m going to roam the world, visit Africa, explore more of life before I settle down. I think it was my youngest child mentality coming out, wanting desperately to find my own identity and way. But, as God often does, he has such a better plan than we do.

I chose marriage, and you know what? God has done the most incredible things in my heart. I remember the first week we were married and how overwhelmed with joy I was. Dating was sometimes hard, never knowing if this person will really be in my life forever. But this marriage thing, I really liked it.

I never did go to Africa. I never did become a journalist. But you know what–maybe I will someday, with my husband by my side. And for now, I have this amazing relationship that isn’t always perfect, but is always pushing and pulling at my heart to draw closer to the Lord.

And…mmm. I won’t ignore it. Love is so, so sweet.

[vimeo w=500&h=281] <p><a href=”″>steadicam pilot: first flight | BTS</a> from <a href=””>Jonathan | Bright Bokeh</a> on <a href=””>Vimeo</a>.</p>

I just love this video. We had met the brothers of Bright Bokeh serving at a summer camp for children in the foster care system, and  after being instant fans of their work, we somehow managed to find our way in front of their cameras for some testing stuff. If we had known them just 6 months earlier, I guarantee they would have video’d our wedding! You can check them out here.

And now…the fact that I get to photograph and bless other people’s marriages?? Goodness, that is such a beautiful thing.

Sweet, Sweet Love


  1. Chelsea Augustine says:

    Love this! Love you guys!

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