Yesterday my family said goodbye to my father’s mom, and today I see the value in what I do.

Yesterday I sat in grandpa’s living room listening to him reminisce about his lovely wife. He told stories about how she begged him to take her fishing (a great hobby of his), and ended up with a record-breaking catch. She was home-coming queen twice in high school, because, as he put it, “there weren’t any seniors who were pretty enough her junior year”. She worked at a jeweler, and when he showed her the ring he picked out for her she said, “that’s kind of small, isn’t it?”. We all laughed.

Today, I am so thankful for this photo, taken at my brother’s wedding celebration in April.
So glad grandma is out of pain and with Jesus today.

A Life Once Lived: Saying Goodbye to Grandma


  1. Lisa Baumann says:


  2. Julie Oxley Midgett says:

    Charity, Thank you so for doing this for mom. We were truly blessed to have her as long as we did and that her passing was so peaceful. Thank you Lord. Love you, Julia Ann

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