Never Say Never. 

Never say you won’t find inspiration from a 16 year-old male pop star.

That’s right…I’m talking about Justin Beiber’s movie, Never Say Never.

Am I really talking about this on my blog?? Yes–and a little sheepishly, too. But bear with me!

My introduction with Justin Beiber started when I served at TRAC camp two years ago. I was a counselor for teen girls and, needless to say, he was the topic of much conversation. Problem is, as I returned from camp, I found myself youtubing his songs during long hours of editing when Andy was out (being too ashamed to play him when around mature company ;)).

When I saw the preview for JB’s movie a few months later, I looked at Andy and half-jokingly vowed we would see it. Well, months later, we redboxed it.

The next 90-or-so minutes were so entertaining as we watched big-brown-eyed baby Justin grow into 16-year-old pop star selling out the the MSG (an iconic theater in NY).

Andy and I found ourselves smiling and totally inspired…seriously! We proceeded to enjoy almost two hours of conversation dreaming about everything from our current business ventures, our high hopes for our olympic-bound gymnast children (we are determined to have all-star kiddos–and really, I’m only slightly joking :)) to where we want to take our marriage and talents in the next 20 years–some of our most encouraging and bonding conversation in my memory.

Really…God has filled this world with SO much talent. Not everyone has a JB story, but we all DO have talents, dreams, and a purpose. I definitely am one to know it’s hard not to look to at so-and-so to the right, and that girl to the left, and feel like I don’t match up. But really, when you think about it, why would you want any other purpose in life than the one that God has setup strictly for you–and only you–to fulfill?! Take delight in who you are–God does–and be determined to live out your talents with courage.

 “For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago.”-Ephesians 2:10, NLT

Thanks, JB, for inspiring some of the best conversation in my marriage yet. I owe you one.

Finding Inspiration in Unexpected Places


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