2 years ago we said “I do”.

And ever since he’s never stopped holding my hand.

I’m so grateful for God’s faithfulness to us these few years…

This year, Andy wisked me away to the California coast for some fun beach time. Unfortunately, all the summer clothes I packed were most inconvenient in the cold air. BUT, we STILL made it in the water.

Andy made some friends…

 Not even giant pinchers will keep my curious Andy away from the excitement of conquering a new enviornment.

Some things I’ve learned over the course of these two years:

1. God always provides. Simply stated, but I still need the daily reminder.

2. Love is more about commitment than feelings–DUH, right? Everyone always says this, but God has surely taken my heart through some growing in this understanding these last two years. And want to know the best surprise about this truth?? IT’S REALLY FUN.

3. Men and women are VERY different. If you find yourself in an argument, it usually comes down to the man wanting to feel respected, and the women wanting to feel loved. Or so I think…which brings me to the last point…

4. …I still haven’t got it figured out. I think that’s a good thing. 🙂

Two Faithful Years


  1. Eric says:

    So psyched for you guys. I’m always encouraged when I think about you two and what God has brought you through already. I know there’s amazing things to come. We hit 9 years in October and it’s been a crazy time, and soon it’ll get even wilder… but you do it together and that’s the best.

  2. […] 3rd Honeymoon (this is what Andy and I call our annual anniversary trips ) to Hunnington Beach, CA. You can see pictures here. […]

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