Now This. Was. Fun.

Andy and I went out for a super special shoot last Saturday. Who were the subjects? Us. That’s right!

And what can I say about Andy? WOW! He nailed it. I need to keep my tabs on him or he’s going to be passing me up soon!!!

Here are the highlighted shots from our super-special session.

Andy…looking so suave. So slick.

Absolutely love water as a backdrop!

Andy was SO proud of his sun flair in this next one.

And lastly, my absolute favorite that Andy totally nailed (look at the sharpness of the eyes!! Way to go honey! :))

We attempted a photo together, but this is the best we could get. Gotta love taking self-portraits with a 50 prime.

Definitely recommend photoshoots with the spouse. Have a wonderful day, all!

Hey…it’s Us!


  1. Becky Yoder says:

    these are awesome, charity! i love your shirt and wedges!!

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