Today has been a good day. Funny I say that now, after having to wake up bright and early for a dentist appointment this morning to have my teeth drilled on. Yuck…still can’t think about it without getting a nauseous sensation from thinking of the sound. But yes, it has been a good day minus that one hour of trying not to gag this morning. Andy and I had another counseling appointment. Yes, we do counseling. It’s funny to see how far I’ve come from associating that fact to a sense of almost embarrassment. Now, I love telling people. Yup, we do counseling. It’s awesome! We are learning so much about each other, where we’ve come from, and how to work together in our newly formed marriage. Seriously, everyone should do counseling. Don’t think you have problems? You do. Sometimes we don’t see what we don’t look for, but if you let the right things into those areas of weakness, pain, etc, amazing things can happen. God is so faithful to restore and heal when we come to Him with our brokenness. Anyway, wow. What a tangent. Counseling was awesome, but the point of this post was more so to show off my new toy that I just picked up this afternoon:

This, ladies and gentlemen, is the 70-200 f2.8. It’s huge. It’s massive. It’s my new baby.

Here it is again, posing with my freshly-made press. Coffee and cameras. MmmmHmmm. Kind of represents my life right now.

And here is my very first photograph taken with this baby:

Can’t wait to take this outside to work with some natural light and great models. Woohoo!

Signing off,

Charity Maurer Photography

Counseling, New Lens, and a Lovely French Press


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