2012 has been a good year. Lots of challenges, lots of excitement. Looking back, I’m really so thankful for all God has brought me this year. I wanted to take the time and reflect on some of those key things from last year as I get ready to start this new one.
Highlights of 2012
- Being published on wedding/engagement inspiration blog (reference previous post, Best of 2012, to see which sessions got published!)
- Immersing myself in business books and completely enjoying it! Favorites were Dave Ramsey’s Entreleadership and Sarah Petty’s Worth Every Penny
- Second-shooting weddings with two of my photog besties, Stacy Kokes and Anna Christy
- Styling shoots with Millie Rodriguez here, here, and here
- Shooting Surena+Nick’s wedding as part of the Grace Project (Grace Project is currently suspended until further notice)
- Discovering more of who I am. God has really gifted me with lots of opportunity for self-discovery through this business.
- 3rd Honeymoon (this is what Andy and I call our annual anniversary trips :)) to Hunnington Beach, CA. You can see pictures here.
- Launching full-time into small businesses together with my hubby. Though not everything went as planned, I’ve loved every moment of dreaming alongside my man. I especially loved our weekly business meetings where we discussed new literature we were reading over coffee. Really fun, but also really glad we are no longer completely dependent on our passions for income.
- Successfully organizing and leading a women’s community/support group in my home every other week
- Meeting+befriending some awesome people in the industry. God has truly blessed me in this realm!
What I’ve learned:
- Hard truth is a necessary part of life. Sometimes hurting someone’s feelings is, really, what’s best for them. (Proverbs 24:26, 25:11, and 27:5)
- Along with the last one, a true friend will listen and take to heart the hard things you have to say.
- God’s blessings aren’t necessarily fair: He has the right to give more, or take more, from other’s. Being able to celebrate other’s successes and mourn with those when needed is crucial. Really, because you need the same ability from others.
- When I’m jealous, I’m really just feeling insecure. The best medicine is to get back in God’s word and remember what He has said about me.
- Some hard truth: if you aren’t making money, you don’t have a business. Don’t get lost in dreaming–reality checks are important.
- Life isn’t just about photography.
- Being vulnerable is a necessary part of dreaming. You’re giving other’s the ability to like you, or not like you. But the reward of being vulnerable is so much greater than the bite.
- You can’t get along with everyone (trust me, this is a hard one for a genuine people-pleaser!).
What I can’t wait for:
- Shooting more weddings and befriending new couples in 2013!
- More business reading (this is SO funny to me, seeing as I totally used to stick up my nose to anything business, thinking it must be sooo boring)Some books on my list:
- Purple Cow by Seth Godin
- Living from Your Strengths (part of that self-discovery)
- The E-Myth Revisited
- Hosting a contest (it’s a surprise, but I will say if you’re a recently engaged couple, you might have reason to get excited… ;))
- Being a part of Melissa Jill’s Align Album design team as an album designer. Really excited to work under such a talented, hard working, and God-loving lady.
- More publications already on their way…
- Systemizing and organizing even more of my business
- A new website!
What have you learned in the last year/what are you excited about in the new one? I’d love to hear from you in the comments section below.
Happy 2013 everyone! 
Hi Charity – wow! You are doing some great work! Hoping big things come your way for 2013. =)