Michelle and Joshua: a sweet, sweet couple with a thriving passion for God. In the time of getting to know them this last month, I feel a sense of admiration for their determination to keep the Lord first in their lives and relationship. I don’t want to butcher the details, so I won’t even try to recount them, but let’s just say their “getting to know each other” story involves leading a bible study together–what a great way to meet! Singles, pay attention to this: seek God first, and let him bring the perfect person into your personal journey of knowing Himself. We all have different stories and timelines for falling in love, and I am so excited to see where God takes these two having joined them together so soon in life! Plus…I might be a little biased…meeting my hubby at 18 and “growing up” with him has made me quite partial to “young” couples. 🙂

And without further ado, enjoy M and J’s engagement session at the beautiful Grove!


Look at her BEAUTIFUL ring! It was custom designed by Josh himself! What a great guy ;).

I thought it was cute how we had changes of clothes hanging in the trees 😉

And one of the best aftermaths of this shoot: I got some beautiful flowers for my office desk. They were a great creative inspiration throughout the week.

Love and God’s great blessings on you and your’s this week!

Phoenix-Chandler, AZ Engagement Session: Michelle and Joshua


  1. […] started out with a bang with Michelle+Joshua’s sweet Pecan Grove engagement session. I couldn’t have been more blessed to get to photograph […]

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