

I wish I had a beautiful photo of the two of us, but when you can’t go out until baby is down at 7, it’s not even worth pulling out the big gun for a shot (and here’s to staying in the moment–can I get an amen, especially from my fellow picture-happy friends who I know must understand?!). The beautiful photos will come later, as our very 1st family photos are scheduled this week!

I celebrated a wonderfully special day Monday. Filled with texts and wall posts and kisses and snuggles from both my big guy and my little one, it was a truly special birthday. I was shocked at how content my heart felt with all of the above (surprise, surprise: the best things in life really are free!). 25 years feels like a real accomplishment you guys–I feel like such a grownup!

This birthday felt big not only for the number, but because I’m headed into my 5th wedding anniversary as well. It’s been a really sweet time of reflecting on all God has done in my heart in the 5 years since entering my 20’s and a marriage. I am and I am not the same person I was those 5 years ago. My early 20’s felt trying. I was facing a lot of unaddressed and unresolved issues from earlier years and learning how to face my fears of intimacy and truly being known. I’m so glad I fought that fight you guys. It was in so many ways one of the hardest seasons I’ve gone through, but seeing what LIFE God has given me on the other side has made every grueling moment worth it. This business is so important to me because it began in that very imperfect season of heart-pruning. It has been a sign of my healing: dreaming, pursuing, and living with purpose. If you are in one of those heart-pruning seasons, I urge you to lean into it. God is a God of great restoration, and he can take any burden or brokenness and make it beautiful if we let Him.

Thanks for celebrating 25 years along with me :). Below is my absolutely favorite gift from the hubs–a tube of the most perfect red lipstick from Athropologie. Here’s to starting 25 on a bold and sophisticated note! 🙂


Personal: Here’s to 25!


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