I’m blessed with too many dear, sweet friends in this industry. When one of them, Sadie Such Photography, asked if I wanted to take a weekend to Chino Valley and shoot this wedding with her, of course I wanted to go. With an all-outdoor celebration, every bride’s worst nightmare is the chance of rain. Well, the rain came, at perfect timing, right as the bride made her way down the aisle. It was the sweetest, most redemptive ceremony I’ve witnessed. Guests ran for umbrellas (as did I for Sadie and myself) and we witnessed their love commitment as the rain poured. Not even a downpour could ruin this day for these two! Perhaps a blessing in disguise was the beautiful, crisp light that preceded the storm and made this set of imagery  so, so lovely. Enjoy this one! 🙂

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Just Married: Chino Valley Wedding


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