I’ve been anxious to share the wedding ceremony of my brother Nathaniel, and Francia,  his beautiful wife. Though Nathaniel and Francia have been legally married for over a year now, circumstances called for the post-poning of an official ceremony. More than that, Nathaniel and Francia had to spend the last two years in and out of each other’s presence, with Francia living in Mexico for some time. I was more than happy to finally get to celebrate their love, and to finally see my new sister in her gorgeous wedding gown that she picked out two years ago!!

Their celebration was lovely. Casual and intimate. Long wood tables were setup in the yard, with small vases of some of Francia’s favorite flowers and colors covering their tops. Bright colors were beaming from various detailed pieces, including strands of bells that hung behind them as they said their vows, and little cloth birds Francia brought home from Mexico. It was a beautiful, intimate ceremony, and I’m so overjoyed to see their celebration take place.


I love, love the details of Francia’s dress!

The very next night we headed out for some romance shots at the mountains. Nathaniel and Francia nailed it. Absolutely LOVE these images.

And we did manage a nice sunset picture 🙂

Backyard+Mountains Phoenix Wedding: Nathaniel and Francia


  1. Kim Kauffman says:

    Gorgeous Charity!

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