craft (41 of 76)

Stop by and think “WOW!” what happened here? Well friends, lots of hard work, many gracious and talented people, and lots of growing in learning myself. I’ve been dreaming of bringing a new look to CMP since early last year, and am overwhelmed to see this happen today with the blog. I love that my website now matches the living room curtains to my left as well as the overlay of tan and blue lace that drapes the coffeetable to my right. I’m overwhelmed and overjoyed to start a business brand that now says “me” more than ever.

Friends, you have been the amazing support for me as I started this journey two years ago. I’m so grateful!


So many thanks to:

  • Into the Darkroom who graciously (and quickly) answered all of my very ignorant questions along this journey.
  • Jonathan Critcher for the stunning watercolor backdrop that really brought the blog to life.
  • My wonderfully talented brother, John Oxley,  who filled in for all my techinical inexperience with the web design.


Enjoy the new look :).

Something New


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