So, I have to premise this post by saying that I hope everyone isn’t getting sick of all this Awkward Family Photo silliness going on at my facebook page. I’m just getting super excited for Holiday Photo Mini Sessions this Saturday!

This last weekend I had one of the greatest highlights of my year. I LOVE this job SO much, but, I have to say. Sometimes it just gets to be…so much. Is that ok to confess on my blog?? I hope so ;).

It all started when I had a hard time finding a makeup artist for my scheduled engagement session for last Saturday. When I realized it would have to be rescheduled, it also dawned on my that I would have a photography-free weekend (this is a big deal, since all of October was booked up!). I started dreaming about getting out of town and soaking up some fresh air in Northern AZ. After a whirlwind of various failed plans, I eventually found myself in a van with my hubby, Zak and Lisa (some of our very best married friends), and precious baby Gracie (Zak and Lisa’s little girl) on Friday evening.

We had just a few intentions for the weekend: rest, quality time together, lots of good food, and quality time with God.

As soon as we arrived, I took a big sniff of the fresh air: Mmmm. Instantly my nose was filled with the sweet butterscotch scent of the trees. I knew in that moment it was going to be a wonderful weekend.

We started our mornings with breakfast (and not just any breakfast, but delicious crepes and mouth-watering made-from-scratch blueberry scones!) and reading scripture together. Nights were spent with laughter and more card games than one should ever play in a weekend.

And goodness, my favorite part?? There happened to be a meteor shower this very weekend, so we stayed up way later than I can usually handle on Saturday night watching the sky light up. Many laughs were had as the boys would get distracted looking up constellations on their phones while the most glorious meteors would shoot across the sky.  Sometimes the male’s desire to conquer and be knowledgeable takes over at inopportune times. 😉

How cool is it to sit down in the woods after a hike and having an impromptu time of sharing and prayer? I am so, so grateful for friends who are committed to following God as much as we are. When you find friends like this, don’t let them go too quickly.

Just more evidence of the sweet delights our taste buds got to experience :).

Always love pictures of us 🙂

And, always love a great picture of this guy!!! He wears that red so well. Ok, I know, I know. Being cheesy now…

Love when Lisa gives me an opportunity to put my Mrs. Mom skills into practice. This girl…so sweet!

I am SO grateful for a weekend away, soaking up the experience of God’s lovely creation, His gift of rest, and His goodness with the blessing of some delicious food, friends, and fun.

A Weekend in the Woods


  1. Kim Kauffman says:

    So Not getting tired of those Awkward Family Photos, they make me laugh so hard!

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