
“WHY do you do what you do?”

This is the question we spent adequate time assessing and analyzing at the Unveiled Workshop a few weeks ago. It’s a powerful question: one that establishes and continually provides direction for your brand and voice. It’s the answer to this question that will provide the fuel to your fire during the discouraging seasons. It’s the one that has the potential to give your work meaning.

This week was filled with lots of waiting and monotonous work…waiting to hear final decisions from potential clients. Waiting for new film scans. Reconciling the bank account. Reorganizing systems. None of the exciting stuff. It was a week I had to fight to remember my “why”. To fight to stay encouraged with all the pretty I saw on other’s social media accounts and remember my own value and to continue to celebrate other’s instead of comparing and feeling threatened by it. I forgot my “why” many times. But today, like light rising at dawn, I’m remembering it…that this business exists to celebrate and establish the value of people. To showcase beauty and offer a sense of hope in the midst of a broken world. To offer an excellent service to the people I’m privileged to serve via this medium. THIS is my why. Not just pretty. Not just “new”. Not numbers or exciting jobs. That stuff is so fun and energizing…but those prior things are substance. They’re what make life meaningful and the time spent doing this work worth it. Work well and with purpose, friends. The world has enough broken in it. Let’s use our talents and skills to be a source of hope, encouragement, and JOY to others.


Remembering WHY


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